Real-Life Connections Matter: Why Teens Need Youth Ministry Now More Than Ever As a parent, it likely comes as no surprise to you that our teenagers are living in two worlds. Unlike the teenage years of many of us...
The Parenting Tension of Protecting Versus Preparing When our kids are small, parenting feels pretty straightforward. Make sure they’re fed, changed, clothed, and cared for. Each stage of...
“The Secret Ingredient: What Sets Outstanding Student Small Group Leaders Apart” Do you want to know the secret ingredient to being an outstanding student small group leader is? I am now in my twenty-fourth year of being...
Why We Do This Crazy Thing Called Student Ministry In a world where everyone seems to run from teenagers, why do we love running toward them so much? To be fair, some would say it takes a...
3 Things Every Teen Needs To Hear From Their Parents Parenting is hard work. The truth is, no parent really knows what we’re doing. No one gave us a manual on how to parent our kid when...