Table Talk | Feb 17-18

Kyle Patrick   -  

Pastor Todd’s exploration of 1 Peter provided us with rich insights into living out our Christian identity in today’s world. Here are some key takeaways to carry with us throughout the week:

– Our identity as Christians calls us to live as foreigners in this world, maintaining hope and righteousness amidst challenges.
– Engaging in spiritual warfare means waging war against worldly desires with divine tools, aiming to bring our thoughts into obedience to Christ.
– Submission to governing authorities is an act of honoring Jesus, recognizing that God’s sovereignty places leaders in their positions for His purposes.
– True freedom in Christ involves respecting others, loving our church family, fearing God, and honoring those in charge, even when we face personal disagreements.
– Our behavior, especially in the face of false accusations, can serve as a witness to the Gospel and potentially lead others to glorify God. Let’s continue to reflect on these teachings and ask for God’s grace to live out these principles.

Discussion Questions:

1. In 1 Peter, we are referred to as “foreigners and exiles” in this world. How does this identity influence the way we live our daily lives, and how can we maintain a sense of hope and encouragement amidst challenges? (1 Peter 2:11-12)
2. The sermon touched on spiritual warfare and the battle against worldly desires. How do we actively use the divine tools provided to us to fight this battle, and what are some practical ways to take every thought captive in obedience to Christ? (2 Corinthians 10:3-5)
3. Submission to authority can be challenging, especially when we disagree with those in leadership. How does 1 Peter 2:13-17 shape our understanding of submission to governing authorities, and what are the deeper reasons behind this directive?
4. Discuss the concept of doing good as a response to false accusations. How can living righteously among skeptics lead to opportunities for evangelism and potentially guide accusers to glorify God? (1 Peter 2:12, Matthew 5:16)
5. Reflecting on Romans 13, what does it mean to trust in God’s sovereignty when it comes to those who hold positions of authority? How can this trust impact our attitude towards civil obedience?
6. Pastor Todd encouraged us to respect others, love our church family, fear God, and honor those in charge. What does this look like in practical terms, and how can we balance this with our freedom in Christ? (1 Peter 2:17)
7. How can we assess our own values and actions in light of showing proper respect to everyone, loving the family of believers, fearing God, and honoring those in charge? (1 Peter 2:17)
8. Discuss the idea that real freedom in Christ involves a transformation of actions and attitudes. How can we invite spiritual guidance to refine our behaviors in a way that resonates with our souls and influences those around us?
9. How can our personal journeys and past struggles inform our understanding of righteous living and the pursuit of spiritual growth? Share examples of growth beyond past shortcomings and the role of grace in this process.
10. Pastor Todd mentioned praying for our leaders as instructed in 1 Timothy 2:1-2. How does prayer for those in authority align with the Biblical approach to civil obedience and our trust in God’s sovereign plan?