My Thoughts for the Start of 2024

Mikey Powers   -  

My Plan for 2024

As the year begins, many of us find ourselves eager to pursue the opportunities and challenges that a new year brings. For me, the start of the year is not just a chance to turn over a new leaf; it’s a time to set the tone for the next twelve months, establishing habits and disciplines that will resonate throughout the year. I want to share how I plan on kicking off the new year with positive momentum, centered around my priorities of spirituality, family, fitness, and reducing screen time.

This year I want to grow in ways that I know I need to grow. Typically I would lean into the things that I want to do better or the things I enjoy the most, but I think that a crucial part of growth exists in the areas that are more difficult to grow in. I want to be more intentional and considerate in my communication, and less appeasing so I wouldn’t ruffle feathers, which doesn’t benefit anyone. If you know me, you know that I struggle with pleasing people and just like many of us, I tend to shy away from what really needs to be said. When I am truly prayerful about how to speak to people, often times, nothing actually needs to be said at all. I want to challenge myself to speak more truth and more grace. I want to grow in the area of being a person that people would go to for prayer not simply to vent. (Not that the “venting” person isn’t important). I am going to be more Biblically directive this year. Following the Matthew 18 model of addressing sin, and also embodying more of a Godly character in my conversations is one of my goals. But all in all, I want to pray more this year than I ever have.

So as you read this, please feel free to email me and let me know how I can pray for you today. I just want to continue to be made new and everyday recognize that I look more like Jesus today than I did yesterday. Far from perfect but still taking advantage of every opportunity to make an impact.

For the sake of the Blog, below are some of my thoughts and pursuits for the beginning of this year! Cheers!

Morning Routines: Spiritual and Physical Fitness

The foundation of my day begins with a deliberate and purposeful morning routine. I have started the Shred (Reading the Bible in the first 30 days of the year) along with 212 people from HDC. We were all encouraged to do this during our Christmas Eve services last year. I think that starting the day right sets a positive tone for the rest of the day. My morning starts with spending quality time reading the Bible. This spiritual practice grounds me, providing a source of inspiration and wisdom that guides my decisions throughout the day. Integrating fitness and spirituality into my mornings has become an essential part of my routine, helping me maintain balance and perspective as the year unfolds.

After my Bible reading, I like to get a workout session in. I realize that a commitment to physical fitness not only boosts my energy but also enhances my mental clarity and focus. It’s amazing how a good workout can set the pace for the day ahead. I don’t go crazy or anything, but a good pump is a good way to start the day.

Quality Time Over Technology

In a world dominated by technology, it’s easy to get caught up in the constant buzz of notifications and screens. However, one of my resolutions for the new year is to break free from the shackles of technology, especially during precious moments with my family. I’ve realized the importance of being present and fully engaged during our time together.

Reducing screen time doesn’t just mean putting away smartphones and tablets; it also involves being mindful of how we spend our time on various devices. Whether it’s watching a Lakers game or a Dodgers game I want make a better concerted effort to limit these activities. This shift allows me to create more meaningful connections with my wife, Kat, and my kids, fostering a deeper bond and creating lasting memories playing board games or shooting hoops.

Family Adventures: Camping and Sharing Memories

One of the highlights of the new year is planning family adventures. This year, we’ve decided to go camping more. We want to get out and be under the sun and create lasting memories together. Camping offers a unique opportunity to disconnect from the distractions of everyday life and reconnect with each other.

By prioritizing family time and shared experiences, we strengthen our relationships and build a foundation of love and support that will endure throughout the year. Whether it’s around the campfire, hiking through the wilderness, or simply enjoying each other’s company, these moments become the building blocks of a fulfilling and joyous life.

As the new year unfolds, I am excited to embrace these disciplines and priorities. By starting each day with a focus on spirituality, fitness and reducing screen time, and fostering family connections through meaningful experiences, I am confident that I will not only maintain a positive pace but also cultivate a fulfilling and purposeful year ahead. Here’s to a fresh start and a year filled with growth, love, and cherished moments with those who matter most.