Inexpressible and Glorious Joy

Mikey Powers   -  

1 Peter 1:3-9

The apostle Peter writes the Church to encourage and stir the affections of the people towards God and thanksgiving to Christ. He writes, “ In His great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never spoil, perish or fade.” What do we experience in life that doesn’t spoil, perish or fade? I can’t imagine anything that doesn’t have an expiration date or go bad after some time. The text goes on to read that this inheritance is kept for us in heaven and that it will be revealed in the last time. It then, goes onto read that we, as Christ followers, are to greatly rejoice. Notice what the text does not say. Verse 6 reads, “ In all this…” Meaning, with the understanding of our heavenly inheritance that awaits us, we greatly rejoice, although we will still suffer all kinds of grief. Let us again notice what the text does not say. It doesn’t say we greatly rejoice when we are really on top of our daily checklists. Or we greatly rejoice when we are being recognized at our work for having a great last quarter. Or rejoice because everyone in your family is in good health. Our rejoicing should be a result of our understanding that our inheritance is waiting for us in heaven. Nothing of our own doing can bring about such an inheritance. Again, the apostle Peter speaking predominantly to the Church of the time was wanting to encourage them and remind them of the good news of the Gospel and he explains that the trials and differing that we experience serve a purpose of proving the genuineness of your faith, he then writes, which will result in praise and glory and honor. This verse is key when we question why we are going through trials. The apostle then writes that even though we can’t see him (Jesus), we love him and we are filled with an inexpressible joy! Take a close look at when the apostle goes on to write in verse 9, for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls. Now, I know I often times need to be reminded of this truth! I don’t know who needs to hear this message, but now that we have been reminded, who will you tell? I pray that this serve a purpose in your life of encouraging someone in the faith to live with inexpressible and glorious joy!