Mike Roberts   -  

“Since, then, we know what it is to fear the Lord, we try to persuade others… We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us.  We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.”  2Corinthians 5:11 & 20

Something is wrong in our world and people are getting impatient waiting for solutions.  The resulting feeling is that of angst/unrest/turmoil.

Politicians are urging voters to trust them to solve the problem.  Community leaders are begging the angry ones not to make the problem worse.  Others fan the flames, hoping that by magnifying the problem it will bring about change.  All the while, you and I are wondering, “Lord, what can I do?”

There are 3 words I want you to consider in the midst of the angst, “we persuade others.”  The apostle Paul and the church in Corinth were also experiencing turmoil and this phrase seems to encapsulate what Paul believed was truly important for them to remember.  These words, referring to our personal mission, should remind God’s people of three truths that are easily forgotten in unsettling times: 1) Jesus is Lord, 2) Life has been corrupted by sin, and 3) People need to be reconciled to God.

The brokenness of our day is the result of mankind’s rebellion against God.  Those who have acknowledged Christ’s lordship, confessed their rebellion and received God’s offer of reconciliation are now enlisted as Christ’s ambassadors to the world.  Our primary calling is not to change the political, social and economic ills of our society.  Rather, it is to persuade others that God’s kingdom is coming and they need to be reconciled to Him.

During these angsty times let us remember the problem, the solution, and our calling to persuade others.  Keep following this blog if you want to further consider practical ways to develop your skills of persuasion.  May God give us courage and wisdom to live as His ambassadors.